SECRET number 3:
SECRET number 3: 3. Twist your body and position your arms
Firstly, the old red carpet trick: Position your body 45 degrees and put the arm closest to the camera on your hip.
Secondly, then plant one foot slightly in front of the other, point your toe to the camera and place your weight on your back leg. This gives the body a slight angle
Lastly, angles without you even knowing it creates interest and appeal.
A Simile
Think about it in easy terms. A pole that just goes from floor to ceiling looks ok but a pole that has twists and turns will always make you look longer with interest.
Ever wonder why every celebrity poses with her camera-facing arm on her hip?
It’s because that particular move ensures that her upper arm isn’t smooshed against her body making it look flattened and fat even if they are the skinniest person alive. If you find the hand-on-hip pose to be a bit forced, try holding your arms out from your sides ever so slightly.
Below is a classic example.
These are my friends and we just messing around in the make up area in the studio. However, the girl on the right is Max and see she is facing straight onto the camera.
All in all the second shot she is turned on an angle and the classic arm on the hip. This gives the body more shape, angles that cause the eye to stay longer looking at her. Her body looks more interesting and becomes a very flattering shot!
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