Pet Photography Dubai

Pet Photography Dubai

Understanding Why Dogs Don’t Like Having Their Photo Taken and 7 Tips to Make Them Feel Comfortable



We live in the era of smartphone photography, where snapping pictures has become second nature. But what do you do when your adorable furry friend avoids the camera lens ? Many dog parents have experienced the struggle of trying to capture the perfect shot, only to be met with resistance, frustration or even fear from their canine companions. So, why do dogs seem to dislike having their photo taken?


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Pet Photography

Create a positive association:

Dogs, like humans, respond positively to rewards. Before starting a photoshoot, make sure your dog is in a happy and relaxed mood. Offer them treats, play their favourite game, or take them for a short walk. This will create a positive association with the camera and the process of taking photos. The location plays a key role in your dog’s enjoyment  – take them somewhere they are comfortable, relaxed and will enjoy themselves.  Your energy will feed in to them. I always say if it’s not fun you’re not doing it right.

Familiarize them with the equipment:

Start by introducing the camera gradually and let them sniff and inspect it. The sight and sound of a camera can be unsettling for some dogs. Take the time to acclimate your furry friend to the camera by allowing them to see and hear it without taking any photos. Use treats and praise to encourage them to be near the camera until they feel more at ease with it. A camera phone is one thing but it is even harder if you have a big camera and huge lens.

Pet Photography Dubai

Do not take too long:

The most important tip I can give is to NOT TAKE TOO LONG. I see people making their dog sit for a full five minutes while they snap away taking dozens of pictures of the same thing. They slightly change their angle, stop to change settings. Then, to cap off the experience the person will then start going through their images to see what they have got and will completely forget about their dog, who gets no reward for sitting there for ages.

Try this instead: plan your shot first, where you would like your dog to be. Take some test shots and fiddle about with the settings until you get it right. Then, when you are ready, try and get your dog where you want them to go. Take up to 10 seconds maximum to do it. Then give them the reward, whether that is a treat, ball or praise – do that first, let them go and then, and only then, check your images. If you didn’t get it quite right you can try again. I’m sure you’ll see the difference over time if you do it this way.


Understanding why dogs don’t like having their photo taken is crucial to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable experience for both you and your furry friend. Choosing natural environments and exercising patience and gentle guidance will further enhance the likelihood of capturing the perfect shot that showcases your dog’s unique charm and personality. But most importantly change your mindset so you can see the situation from your dog’s point of view – make it interesting, fun and quick. So, grab your camera, follow these tips, and get ready to capture those priceless moments with your beloved canine companion!


Pet Photography Dubai