SECRET number 7: How to pose correctly to always look your BEST!

SECRET number 7

SECRET number 7 with Yasmin Hussain

Firstly 7. Loosen up.
Unless you’re a professional model, which rules most of us out!

All in all the odds are that most of the photos you find yourself in are fun, casual shots with friends. As much you think “posing” for these types of pictures will make you look better.

Secondly, The fact remains that loosing up and having a little fun will almost always make for a more flattering snap. Since you’re not trying as hard, there will be less room for error.

Thirdly, basically its a continuation of my tips yesterday. Relaxed and natural always captures the best shots. I have got some fabulous shots that are casual but with a little arrangement from me they always look like they have been put together but I ALWAYS think about the composition. Its in my blood, I can’t help it.

Lastly, as I said yesterday, memories are EVERYTHING.

Always think about a shot before just taking it.

However, you will get better each time you take them and you will love the fact that you can think quickly as how to arrange people. Its a marvelous tool.

I have been a photographer for over 25 years sometimes I do wish I could give my brain a rest, but I CAN’T!!!

Once you are a creative person you will always remain one.

Allin all because you are made that way. You can never stop creating, Everything you look at you will be thinking of how to take pictures. What is the best angle, lighting.

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SECRET number 7
Yasmin Hussain photography

Here are some great example of casual shots but the composition is spot on. All taken on my   12138432_894851407258609_249917141209498609_o 12743674_10153926624690789_2803081202949219206_n i Phone.