Few Little KIDS Location Denim Shoot
Few Little KIDS Location Denim Shoot, on the beach.
Thank you to all the parents that have been so kind and generous with their time and effort and bringing the children to the studio so we could meet them and see how we can use them all in our fantastic, Fashion Photoshoot cool project all in the name of DENIM.
Here are a few little model candidates!
Check out all our work at www.yhstudiosdxb
We have hundreds of images on there. It was a sponsored shoot for The Baby Shop.
I advertised for kids on social media. All in all the response was amazing. We had a variety of candidates. The choice was incredible. It was a tough decision to choose.
Be that’s as it may, i
First thing to remember is we are amazing photographers. t was heart breaking to let some of the kids down. I will take this opportunity to thank all the mothers for applying. I will definitely be in touch soon.
Amazing Kids
All the kids were amazing. Cute, outgoing and very willing. These kids of today really know how to work the camera. I end up wanting to adopt them all.
We chose a wide range of nationalities, age and cuteness. It was such a pleasure to work with them, We also made a BTS video. I posted in on YH Studios website www.yhstudiosdxb.com
The response from the parents made me cry. They simply loved it.
I can’t wait for The baby shop to book us again. The campaign went all over the world. Up high in lights and in all the stores.
Although we are a portrait studio. We now at YH Studios are changing the company to be more commercial and do campaigns like this.
We just completed a shoot for Be fit. I will talk about this in my next blog, tomorrow.
To us its equally important for customer service. For example, we need you to feel comfortable. At the same token we try our best.
Finally, Take care for now guys.
Compared to other studios, we are the best in my opinion. We are different from other studios. By Comparison, we are so professional. For that reason book in now.