Yasmin Hussain’s Bio Part 2
Yasmin Hussain’s Bio Part 2 : Here it began : My first visit to Dubai was in 2012 after a long time working for various
companies freelancing for magazines and publications. I just really had a dream.
After 2 amazing weeks I accordingly started my research. I loved the idea of Media City.
Went back to Dubai in May and had a look at some properties.
Found the perfect space in the CNN Building in the heart of Media City.
Went home to the UK, flew back out in June and Signed for the space for 1 year.
I started my exit plan from the UK without even a second thought.
I didn’t know a single sole in Dubai let alone the UAE.
On, September 5th 2012 was the day I blew emphatically a kiss to the UK a goodbye kiss and entered
into the world of the unknown. Before I decided where to stay, I checked into a hotel but searched
for an apartment despite my eagerness to settle this was certainly necessary.
My visit started to become real! Have you ever had that feeling? Its another level.
life with every decision I was finalising. I advertised for makeup staff and
we held interviews in the local Costa Coffee shop. It certainly was different.
YH Studios Photo Studio was open in November, I was ready to for the region to know who YH
Studio is and what I could bring to the industry but I worked hard to certainly achieve this.
After many hard working years I now make time for my passion.
I can now explore my passion because I worked hard. I am in a peaceful place its another level.

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