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Want something amazing to read? Then follow our blog of our sister company, The Lipstick make Up Institute. A make up school here in Dubai that we are trying our hardest to make the best make up Institute in Dubai. How are we trying to do this? Well, we are giving our all to every lesson. Every course. Every photoshoot that the students get involve in.
Here are a few shots of the blog on the Lipstick Make Up Institute for a little sneak preview. It just a collection of beautiful people coming together to do something beautiful for a cause that is so near and has touched so many of us. Either we know someone or a member of our family has been affect by it.
Best Photo Studio in Dubai
Its something that is so common in this day and age. Its very difficult not be affect in someway or another. Now becoming so common that I do not know where it will end!
Hope everyone who reads the Article of The Lipstick Make Up Institute Blog and doesn’t find it inspirational of how people are so kind, changes their attitude and heart and just gives a little more. More in the way of time, effort and even a donation to such a cause.
A little kindness, goes a long way. Not only is it good for the receiving person or charity but good for the soul! It make one feel more satisfied to be unselfish and actually do something for someone else. We can easily get wrapped up in our own lives and time passes us by. Before we know it another year has passed and all we planned to do in Our New Year resolutions have not been fulfilled!
Lets do something wonderful today! Say it and do it!!
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